Rural hotel Castellón

Hotel rural CastellónMas El CuquelloTurismo rural CastellónCasas rurales Castellón



How to get there?

From Castellón take the CV-10 Cabanes address or airport, to reach the Pobla Tornesa  exit 33, take the CV-15 direction Vall d'Alba, to reach the population, followed by the CV-15 direction to Villafranca and drive to "Els Ibarsos", once there cross the village and at the roundabout take the 3rd exit, continue on the CV-166 to Km 1, find the Hotel on the right.

From Barcelona, ​​follow AP-7 exit 44 (Torreblanca), at the roundabout after the toll take the CV-13 direction Airport-Benlloch, once past the airport, continue to Benlloch following CV-152, take the CV-10 direction Puebla Tornesa and turn right to CV-152 exit to Benlloch, drive across town or lined street on the left and take the CV-156 towards Vall d'Alba, arriving at the roundabout follow CV-15 direction to Villafranca and drive to "Els Ibarsos", once there cross the village and at the roundabout take the 3rd exit, continue on the CV-166 to Km 1, find the Hotel on the right.

GPS coordinates
Latitude:  40 degrees 14' 6.74'' N
Longitude: 0 degrees 5' 15.36'' W

UTM coordinates
X   747765
Y 4457932
Huso 30

If you have any questions, or just want to tell us something, please contact us. You can do this by filling out the form below, sending an email or phone.

Hotel Mas El Cuquello****
Ctra. Ibarsos - Culla Km. 1 (1 km. from Els Ibarsos)
12163 Culla - Castellón - España
Tel: 609 880 568 - 630 417 961

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